Artists in Canada National Pension Plan

Start Building Wealth for Your Future Right Now!

Artists in Canada National Pension Plan

Start Building Wealth for Your Future Right Now!

Visual Artists, Musicians, Writers and Performance Artists.

If you’re Canadian resident between 18 and 71 years of age and you or your spouse have available RRSP contribution room, you qualify.

For details regarding how Artists in Canada (AIC) can help contribute to your pension plan, visit their website. If you’re an organization representing multiple artists, please review Business Pension Plans.

Everyone Deserves a Secure Retirement. Consider SPP as part of Yours.

Fill out the form below to get started – You will receive a PDF to complete, sign and return to the SPP. If you need assistance, we’re here to help.

Got Questions? We’re Here to Help

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a trial period in case my circumstances suddenly change?

Members may receive a refund of their account if they change their mind within 60 days of their date of application or their first contribution, whichever is later.

What information is needed to apply?

Personal contact details, name of a beneficiary, social insurance number, and proof of age documentation (e.g. photocopy of birth certificate, driver’s license, or passport).

When and how much can I contribute?

There is no set contribution schedule or minimum amount to invest, and now members can contribute any amount within their RRSP contribution room, subject to RRSP limits.  You can also transfer in from existing unlocked RRSPs, RRIFs, RPPs, and DPSPs (funds locked in until age 55).

View all questions

(Call collect)

1-800-667-7153 (Available in Canada and USA)



Mailing address
Box 5555
Kindersley, SK, Canada
S0L 1S0

608 Main Street
Kindersley, SK, Canada